Field studies of river and urban environment in Yuen Long and To Kwa Wan

To improve students' understanding of the local environment, the Geography Department joined the field studies conducted by governmental and professional organizations in Hong Kong.


On 10 July 2024, 31 students from S3 and S4 participated in a field study about fluvial environment at Kam Tin River in Yuen Long. 


Instructed by the officials from Drainage Services Department, students have got familiar with the concepts about flood control such as channelization, flood diversion, dry weather flow interception and ecological compensation, as well as the challenges faced by the government in developing Hong Kong into a sustainable city under the threat of climate change.


On 13 July 2024, 17 students from S3 and S4 joined a field study conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors about urban environment.


In the fields of To Kwa Wan, 5 surveyors from the building, land and quantity surveying divisions shared their experience and views with our students about the work, role and importance of surveying professions in the process of urban development and urban renewal in Hong Kong.