Values education is essential to develop individuals and help them throughout their lives in many ways. It develops the character and personality of the students as well as a positive view of life. It also positively shapes their future and helps them better understand their life purpose. Values education teaches students the best way to live, which can benefit individuals and the people around them.
Our mission is to provide the best opportunities for the formation of Christian and humanistic values, to foster constructive attitudes, and to develop a range of skills so that our students can expand their ability to fully participate in society and become responsible citizens of the world.
We make use of form periods, morning programs, and assemblies to equip our students with qualities like perseverance and a drive for excellence. Elements of national education, including the constitution, basic law, national security education, anti-drug education, life education, sex education, media and information literacy education, education for sustainable development, and human rights education under the legal framework have also been incorporated into these events, so as to provide students with a well-rounded learning experience conducive to their whole-person development.