Moral & Civic Education Assembly: Talk on ‘Animals in the City’

In order to enhance students' understanding of animal welfare and foster a spirit of care and compassion towards animals, the school's Moral & Civic Education Committee organized a whole-school assembly on 28 May 2024. A representative from Non-Profit making Veterinary Services Society was invited to give a presentation on the topic of 'Animals in the City'.


The speaker introduced the association's work in rescuing and caring for stray animals in the urban area. Sharing personal experiences, the speaker encouraged students to respect and cherish animals, and to coexist harmoniously with them. During the session, the speaker also arranged for four 'animal volunteers' to make an appearance. Their owners joined in to share the message that animals should never be abandoned on a whim.


Following the assembly, the 'animal volunteers' stayed at the school's Student Activities Center, attracting a large number of students who eagerly interacted with the dogs and their owners. An atmosphere of warmth and liveliness permeated the scene.